Search Results (List)

Dataset: NY
Taxa: Thelypteridaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 303

New York Botanical Garden

Thelypteris Schmidel
1042108M. J. Balick   32211992-03-10
Belize, Orange Walk District, Las Milpas Ruin. Program for Belize Camp. Ruin site, 17.85 -89.05

Thelypteris Schmidel
01095409X. Cornejo   81662009-10-15
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Bilsa Biological Station, Sendero Verde, 0.35 -79.73, 500 - 500m

Thelypteris Schmidel
201117H. T. Beck   30541995-04-09
Ecuador, Carchi, Awá Indigenous Territory. Community of Baboso. About 1km west of the house of Patrocinio Ortiz, 0.93 -78.42, 1080 - 1080m

Thelypteris Schmidel
201143H. T. Beck   30541995-04-09
Ecuador, Carchi, Awá Indigenous Territory. Community of Baboso. About 1km west of the house of Patrocinio Ortiz, 0.93 -78.42, 1080 - 1080m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
686916W. W. Thomas   123822001-05-10
Brazil, Bahia, Arataca, Serra das Lontras, 6 km E of Pratas. Fazenda Elza (owner: Dr. Charitas Fiterman), -15.202983 -39.40845, 375 - 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
02687489A. M. V. de Carvalho   6869
Brazil, Bahia, Jussari, Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN) Serra do Teimoso, entrada ca. 7.5 km na Rod. Jussari/Palmira. Fazenda Teimoso ca. 1.7 km da entrada, -15.1545 -39.87

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
02447483Taxonomy Class Of Univ De Brasilia   12801987-07-09
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Brasília, 5 km SW of center of city, Peninsula Sul

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920399E. P. Heringer   101821965-01-08
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Brasília, Sobradinho. Margem da rodovia., -15.65064739 -47.7923

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920400R. P. Belém   19551965-12-10
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Brasília, Sobradinho, -15.65064739 -47.7923

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1016034P. H. Labiak E.   36982006-08-09
Brazil, Bahia, Buerarema, Rodovia Buerarema - São José da Vitória (BR 101), ramal à esquerda, ca. 15 km de Buerarema. Entrada à direita, ca. 10 km da BR. Fazenda Santa Rosa, entrada ca. 500 n à direita., -15.1053 -39.2889, 150 - 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1016035P. H. Labiak E.   37012006-08-09
Brazil, Bahia, Buerarema, Rodovia Buerarema - São José da Vitória (BR 101), ramal à esquerda, ca. 15 km de Buerarema. Entrada à direita, ca. 10 km da BR. Fazenda Santa Rosa, entrada ca. 500 n à direita., -15.1053 -39.2889, 150 - 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1016591G. Eiten   56821964-08-01
Brazil, São Paulo, Moji-Guaçu, "Campos das Sete Lagoas". Fazenda Campininha, just north of Rio Moji-Guaçu. 4.0 km NNW of Padua Sales. About 27 km NW of city of Moji-Mirim., 575 - 625m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1016595K. Mizoguchi   16171980-07-22
Brazil, São Paulo, Sao Roque, Linha Sorocabana, -23.5203 -47.13

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1016597Collector unspecified   s.n.
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1018583J. Prado   19992008-03-08
Brazil, São Paulo, Caraguatatuba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Nucleo Caraguatatuba, Estrada da Intermediária próximo ao Rio Pardo (autorização de coleta Proc. SMA n 260108-000.196/0 de 2008)., -23 -45

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1018941C. M. Mynssen   8702005-12-06
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Campos dos Goytacazes, Morro do Coco, Mata Solidão., -21.7544 -41.3242

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1019367P. J. Edwards   23871987-02-19
Brazil, Bahia, Camacã, 3 km N of Joao da Panilinha. Track to transmitter (Embratel)., 100 - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1144524L. Sylvestre   18732006-12-00
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Itatiaia, Parque Nacional de Itatiaia. Maromba. Trilha para o Véu da Noiva., -22.4284 -44.6198

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1039715J. Prado   20972010-01-13
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Serra do Espihaço: between Diamantina and Milho Verde, off Estrada Real., -18.52 -43.9, 1155m

Thelypteris Schmidel
306378M. H. Nee   491741998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 7.5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of valley of upper Quebrada de la Coca., -18.22 -63.68, 1305 - 1305m

Thelypteris Schmidel
192494B. C. Bennett   33851988-08-29
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Centro Shuar Yukutais. 10km S Sucua, scarp above Rio Upano, S chacras D. Antich, -2.52 -78.15

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
192495B. C. Bennett   33761988-08-29
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Centro Shuar Yukutais. 10km S Sucua, scarp above Rio Upano, S chacras D. Antich, -2.52 -78.15

Thelypteris Schmidel
01158447B. C. Bennett   34471988-09-26
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Centro Shuar Yukutais, 10km S Sucua, Rio Upano, playa on W side of river, -2.52 -78.15

Thelypteris Schmidel
229836R. C. Moran   62511996-04-20
Ecuador, Napo, Just outside of Parque Nacional Yasuní, ca. km 23.8 on Maxus Oil Road. Transect 19, -0.57 -76.52

Thelypteris Schmidel
229837R. C. Moran   62511996-04-20
Ecuador, Napo, Just outside of Parque Nacional Yasuní, ca. km 23.8 on Maxus Oil Road. Transect 19, -0.57 -76.52

Thelypteris Schmidel
229838R. C. Moran   62511996-04-20
Ecuador, Napo, Just outside of Parque Nacional Yasuní, ca. km 23.8 on Maxus Oil Road. Transect 19, -0.57 -76.52

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920391B. M. T. Walter   10411991-12-12
Brazil, Goiás, Colinas do Sul, Bacia de inundação da UHE Serra da Mesa (segmento I da bacia de inundação). Córrego afluente do Rio Tocantins. Abaixo da linha de transmissão que liga Niquelândia a Serra da Mesa. Entrada a 2 Km da Entrada Sul/Canteiro., -13.83 -48.3, 360 - 360m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920392B. M. T. Walter   26111995-09-08
Brazil, Goiás, Colinas do Sul, Bacia de inundação da UHE Serra da Mesa. Fazenda Saracura. Estrada de manutenção das torres da nova linha de transmissão Minaçú/Niquelândia. Região do Rio Tocantinzinho., -14 -48.2, 450 - 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920393B. M. T. Walter   26641995-10-05
Brazil, Goiás, Campinaçu, Região da fazenda Praia Grande. Cerca de 7.5 Km da sede da fazenda a noroeste. Área de influência do AHE Serra da Mesa., -13.98 -48.42, 480 - 480m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920395J. Wilson   10W1976-11-11
Brazil, Goiás, Goiás Velho, Stream which crosses road beyond church of Santa Barbara.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920396J. A. Ratter   R37311976-10-07
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Brasília, Fazenda Água Limpa (University of Brasília field station), near Vargem Bonita, c. 18 Km SSW of Brasília TV tower., -15.7797 -47.9294

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920397D. Alvarenga   6401990-01-29
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Brasília, Fazenda Santa Prisca., -15.7797 -47.9294

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920398M. dos R. Cordeiro   771974-06-15
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Aripuanã, Dardanelos. Estrada Sta. Elena., -10.1669 -59.4592

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920401J. M. Pires   99081965-04-03
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Brasília, Saída Sul. Córrego Vecente Pires., -15.7797 -47.9294

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920402K. Mizoguchi   14971981-02-12
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Ipatinga, Usina Iron Works. (Under joint Japanese-Brazilian management) in the outskirts of Usiminas., -19.4683 -42.5367

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920403Peabody   s.n.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920404L. Hartt   s.n.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
920388T. C. Plowman   83711980-02-04
Brazil, Tocantins, Presidente Kennedy, Road from highway BR-153 to Itaporã, 12 Km west of village of Presidente Kennedy. Fazenda Primavera along Ribeirão Feínho., -8.5006 -48.6008, 400 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1016592K. Mizoguchi   9691979-01-28
Brazil, São Paulo, 40 km from Rio de Janeiro to Sao Paul., 7 - 10m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1016596K. Mizoguchi   9561978-09-17
Brazil, Paraná, Maringá, -23.4256 -51.9383, 850 - 850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
1016594K. Mizoguchi   6591978-07-28
Brazil, São Paulo, Barueri, Santa Maria., -23.5103 -46.8697, 750 - 750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
88631W. L. Balée   24731986-06-13
Brazil, Pará, Xingu River. Assurini Indians, -7.2040035 -52.5854588

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
02642236L. Sylvestre   22432012-07-24
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Maria Madalena, Parque Estadual do Desengano, trilha para o Pico do Desengano a partir da Estalagem Morumbeca, -21.88 -41.9178

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
02697575P. H. Labiak E.   58842015-03-05
Brazil, Tocantins, Pindorama do Tocantins, Estrada de Pindorama para Natividade, ca. 10km de Pindorama., -11.22333 -47.566111, 508m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
02474272P. H. Labiak E.   41322007-07-13
Brazil, Espírito Santo, São Roque do Canaã. Alto Misterioso., -19.8028 -40.7719, 1130 - 1130m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
02708282H. H. van der Werff   231882009-11-03
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa, Along trail Milpo to Sta. Barbara., -10.3814 -75.6375, 3100 - 3350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
2596411Collector unknown   s.n.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
02641455W. Meier   97682003-12-30
Venezuela, Yaracuy, Distrito San Felipe. Cordillera de la Costa: Macizo de Nirgua: Serranía Santa María: vertiente norte: cabeceras del Río Taría., 10.23 -68.6028, 580 - 630m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
02641483W. Meier   92532003-06-15
Venezuela, Miranda, Distrito Zamora. Cordillera de la Costa: Macizo del Avila: vertiente sur: al noreste de Guatire: al noreste de El Bautismo: Alredededores de El Oso., 10.52 -66.47, 1100 - 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
02641459W. Meier   100332004-02-29
Venezuela, Estado: límite Distrito Federal/Miranda: Parque Nacional El Ávila Cordillera de la Costa: al noreste de Guatire: al noreste de El Bautismo: camino a La Sabana., 10.53 -66.47, 1450 - 1550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
03157408A. Fernandez   187772002-11-00
Venezuela, Miranda, Municipio Los Salias. Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Carretera Panamericana, km 11. Alto de Pipe., 10.4 -66.97, 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
03168587A. Fernandez   282982010-12-27
Venezuela, Aragua, Municipio Girardot. Parque Nacional Henri Pittier. Bosque nublado en la vía Maracay-Choroní. Entre 10°20'52" N - 67° 35' 09" W (vertiente Sur) y 10° 23' 41" N - 67° 36' 11" W (vertiente Norte)., 10.37125 -67.59444, 700 - 1680m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
03108797A. Fernandez   282852010-12-27
Venezuela, Aragua, Municipio Girardot. Parque Nacional Henri Pittier. Bosque nublado en la vía Maracay-Choroní. Entre 10°20'52" N - 67° 35' 09" W (vertiente Sur) y 10° 23' 41" N - 67° 36' 11" W (vertiente Norte)., 10.37125 -67.59444, 700 - 1680m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
02609751A. Fernandez   290332009-11-22
Venezuela, Miranda, Municipio Los Salias. Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC), Altos de Pipe, carretera Panamericana km 11., 10.4 -66.97, 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
03468314A. C. V. Schott   Filices30
Colombia, Dividing ridges

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4034011H. Balslev   8411980-11-20
Ecuador, Carchi, Tulcán-El Angel road, 15 km S of Las Juntas., 3300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4034017R. Spruce   5297A1857-09-00
Ecuador, In Andibus Ecuadorensibus

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4034021J.-J. de Granville   112941991-04-17
French Guiana, D.Z. du Haut-Kourcibo, Bassin du Sinnamary., 4.4731 -53.2883, 80m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4034026G. Cremers   135981995-02-03
French Guiana, Camp Eugène - Bassin du Sinnamary., 4.85 -53.07, 70m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4034028J.-J. de Granville   93671987-08-16
French Guiana, Camp no 2 Roche Kouttou - Bassin du Haut-Marouini. 1 km à l'Est., 2.87 -54.05, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4034029G. Cremers   101351989-01-06
French Guiana, Gobaya Soula - Bassin du Maroni. Camp I., 3.62 -53.97, 125m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4034034J.-J. de Granville   90631986-02-02
French Guiana, Saul., 3.58 -53.2, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4034035J.-J. de Granville   90071986-01-27
French Guiana, Mont Galbao. Secteur Sud., 3.58 -53.33, 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4034036J.-J. de Granville   89931986-01-26
French Guiana, Mont Galbao. Cirque central. Haute Crique Makouali., 3.58 -53.33, 370m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4034037G. Klug   39701935-03-00
Peru, San Martín, San Martín, Chazuta, Río Huallaga, 260m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4034038H. H. van der Werff   211172006-04-29
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Above Quillouno, -12.4764 -72.4875, 2300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4034039H. H. van der Werff   211632006-04-30
Peru, Cusco, Calca, Road Quebrada-Alto Lacco., -12.6228 -72.2444, 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033694F. W. Pennell   97011922-08-10
Colombia, Caldas, Above "Alaska," above Salento., 3000 - 3400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033695E. P. Killip   94391922-08-01
Colombia, Caldas, "Magana," Old Quindio Trail. Cordillera Central., 3200 - 3300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033696E. P. Killip   183361927-01-14
Colombia, Santander, Vicinity of La Baja., 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033697E. P. Killip   183351927-01-14
Colombia, Santander, Vicinity of La Baja., 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033698F. W. Pennell   85531922-07-22
Colombia, Department of El Valle. Cuchilla, east of Zarzal., 1200 - 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033699E. P. Killip   177931927-01-15
Colombia, Santander, Western slope of Páramo Rico., 3300 - 3600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033700E. P. Killip   33351917-12-21
Colombia, Tolima, "La Trinidad," Libano., 1100 - 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033701F. W. Pennell   32031917-12-21
Colombia, Tolima, "La Trinidad," Libano. Coffee Plantation., 1000 - 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033702F. W. Pennell   66811922-07-11
Colombia, Cauca, "Canaan," Mt. Purace., 3100 - 3300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033703F. W. Pennell   59801922-05-21
Colombia, Department of El Valle. La Cumbre. Cordillera Occidental., 1500 - 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033708E. P. Killip   202671927-03-01
Colombia, Norte de Santander, Pica-Pica Valley, above Tapatá (north of Toledo)., 2100 - 2400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033709E. P. Killip   173321927-01-16
Colombia, Santander, Vicinity of Vetas., 3100 - 3250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033710F. W. Pennell   29681917-12-15
Colombia, Tolima, "Rosalito" near Paramo de Ruiz., 2800 - 3100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033711F. W. Pennell   33311917-12-21
Colombia, Tolima, "La Trinidad." Libano., 1100 - 1300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033712E. P. Killip   68061922-06-17
Colombia, Cauca, "Canaan" to Coconuco. Cordillera Central., 2500 - 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033713E. P. Killip   150391926-12-11
Colombia, Santander, Northern slope of Mesa de los Santos., 6.942517 -73.035785, 1000 - 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033714H. H. Smith   27161898-00-00
Colombia, Santa Marta.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033715H. H. Smith   10061899-02-00
Colombia, Santa Marta. Las Nubes., 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033716H. H. Smith   10001898-00-00
Colombia, Santa Marta.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033717H. H. Smith   10061889-02-00
Colombia, Santa Marta. Las Nubes., 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033718H. H. Smith   10001898-08-20
Colombia, Santa Marta. Above Onaca., 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033719H. H. Smith   s.n.1898-00-00
Colombia, Santa Marta.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033720H. H. Smith   26911898-00-00
Colombia, Santa Marta.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033721H. H. Smith   26911898-12-18
Colombia, Santa Marta. Las Nubes., 1372m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033811W. D. Rodríguez-Duque   55762005-10-31
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. Angelópolis. Vereda Romeral, sector Bocatoma, acueducto multiveredal, Quebrada Las Animas., 5.747036 -76.005183, 2100 - 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033820W. D. Rodríguez-Duque   54972005-10-01
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. Bello. Corregimiento de San Félix, Alto de Las Baldías, sector Antenas de el Colombiano., 6.3439 -75.6483, 2950 - 3050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033821W. Rodriguez   56852005-10-03
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. Medellin. Corregimiento San Antonio de Prado, Vereda Astilleros, Divisoria de aguas de las quebradas Doña María y Ana Díaz, 7.2536 -75.6694, 2580 - 2650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033822W. Rodriguez   56832005-10-03
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. Medellin. Corregimiento San Antonio de Prado, Vereda Astilleros, Divisoria de aguas de las quebradas Doña María y Ana Díaz, 7.2536 -75.6694, 2580 - 2650m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033823W. D. Rodríguez-Duque   56302013-11-20
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. Angelópolis. Vereda Romeral, Hacienda La Argentina, Quebrada Las Animas., 6.13969 -75.6994, 2050 - 2130m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033824W. D. Rodríguez-Duque   55882005-11-18
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. Angelópolis. Vereda Romeral, Hacienda La Argentina, Quebrada Las Animas., 6.13969 -75.6994, 2050 - 2130m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033825W. D. Rodríguez-Duque   49382005-01-09
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. Jardín. Vereda La Mesenia, sector Paramillo., 5.487 -75.89794, 2280 - 2560m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033826W. D. Rodríguez-Duque   47742004-12-12
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. Jericó. Vereda La Cascada, sector Cultivares (Cardamomo), alrededores de la Laguna., 5.800014 -75.727069, 1500 - 1550m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Thelypteris Schmidel
4033827W. D. Rodríguez-Duque   47392004-12-11
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. Jericó. Reserva Las Nubes, sector Valle de las Palmas., 5.799994 -75.791064, 2200 - 2250m

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