15. Mendoncia glomerata Leonard, sp. nov. FIGURE 8 Suffrutex volubilis, caulibus subteretibus, strigosis; lamina foliorum ovata, apice acuminata, mucronata, basi rotundata vel obtusa, in petiolum decurrens, membranacea, substrigosa, pilis adpressis vel ascendentibus; flores pauci vel numerosi, axillares; pedicelli sericei, pilis adpressis vel ascendentibus; bracteae ovatae, apice rotundatae vel obtusae, basi subrotundatae, dense et molliter sericeae, pilis sub- adpressis; corolla alba, extus glabra vel subglabra, intus puberula, limbo obliquo; calyx chartaceus, integer; ovarium glabrum. Shrubby vine; stem subterete, grooved, strigose; leaf blades ovate, up to 8 cm. long and 4.5 cm. wide, acuminate and tipped by a mucro 1 to 3 mm. long at apex, rounded or obtuse at base and decurrent on the petiole, drying dark brown, thin, veiny, sparingly strigose or glabrate, the hairs confined chiefly to costa and lateral veins (4 pairs); petioles up to 2.5 cm. long, strigose; flowers several to numerous, forming com- pact axillary clusters; pedicels 1 cm. long or less, sericeous, the hairs pressed or ascending; bracts ovate, up to 12 mm. long and 8 mm. wide, rounded or obtuse at apex, apiculate, rounded at base, densely and softly sericeous, the hairs subappressed, whitish; corolla white, 1 to 1.5 cm. long, glabrous or subglabrous without, puberulous within, the limb oblique, the basal lobes of the anthers terminating in pu- bescent discs; calyx chartaceous, entire; style 1 cm. long; ovary glabrous; fruit not seen. Type in the U. S. National Herbarium, No. 1517993, collected in forest at Umbría, Comisaría of Putumayo, Colombia, altitude 325 meters, by G. Klug (No. 1710). Isotypes in the herbaria of the New York Botanical Garden and the Missouri Botanical Garden. Mendoncia glomerata is a very distinct species, easily recognized by its relatively small and densely soft silky pubescent bracts and by the dense clusters of numerous small white flowers. The specific name glomerata alludes to the inflorescence.